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v0.4.4 is tested (as always) before releasing and works fine for my Kodi Leia. If you have particular issues, send me Kodi log file for reporting.
[Изображение: notrobosmall.jpg]
Hi, just letting you know that dramafever seems like they made some changes to their site again.
Fixed Cool
[Изображение: notrobosmall.jpg]
That was fast thank you,

Oh there was a small issue if a series has over 100 episodes it doesn't list episodes greater than 100 it relists episodes 1-100 as 101-200.

Example: Pink Lipstick episode 101 is episode 1 and not 101.
Ah now it says it requires premium account for some things.
(23-03-2018, 08:51)icexshinigami написа: Ah now it says it requires premium account for some things.
Yes, because some titles are available exclusive for premium accounts. With the old WEB API (which was removed and because of that the addon was not working), there was a loophole that gave access to the entire catalog of titles. Now, accessibility is the same as with VikiR - only the free titles are available, if not geoblocked too.
I will check the issue with more than 100 episodes.
[Изображение: notrobosmall.jpg]
I'm using Kodi 17.6 and the dramafever addon does not open anymore. Are you running into the same issue?
(09-05-2018, 09:14)icexshinigami написа: I'm using Kodi 17.6 and the dramafever addon does not open anymore. Are you running into the same issue?

The DF addon is opening sucessfully as always. But... The streams, that DF is feeding to its clients are broken/damaged in some way!?

This is the log from FFMPEG:
Цитат:1:09:22.806 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/audio/eng/128/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:28.860 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [https] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/2986593/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:29.894 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [https] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/2392426/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:30.961 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [https] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/1789070/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:32.001 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [https] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/1193830/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:32.984 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [https] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/598291/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:34.092 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [https] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/398881/index.m3u8' for reading
21:09:34.987 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/audio/eng/128/aud0.aac' for reading
21:09:37.301 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/audio/eng/128/aud1.aac' for reading
21:09:39.823 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/2986593/vid0.ts' for reading
21:09:42.144 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/2986593/vid1.ts' for reading
21:09:45.598 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/2392426/vid0.ts' for reading
21:09:47.924 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/2392426/vid1.ts' for reading
21:09:47.973 T:140144873305856   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 140144873305856 terminating (autodelete)
21:09:50.219 T:140144229762816    INFO: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Opening 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/1789070/vid0.ts' for reading
21:09:50.522 T:140144229762816   ERROR: ffmpeg[7F75DF084700]: [hls,applehttp] Error when loading first segment 'https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/video/1789070/vid0.ts'
21:09:50.527 T:140145533362880    INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to https://...server... (easy=0x7f75a0374be0, multi=0x7f75a0352850)
21:09:50.537 T:140144229762816   DEBUG: Error, could not open file https://...server.../v10/...someid.../...otherid.../hls4/-/index.m3u8?Expires=1525894832&Signature=...verylongtoken...

The error is Invalid NAL unit 0, skipping. or in other ffmpeg-based players: Error when loading first segment 'https://...vid0.ts'. I don't know what can be done Undecided   I accept suggestions ...
[Изображение: notrobosmall.jpg]
it looks like df is now streaming the audio and video separately not sure if that helps.
Version 0.5.4:
Fixed: Listing of series with more than 100 episodes;
Fixed: Video seeking for the all titles;
Fixed: Displaying the episode plot in Estuary Skin;
Removed: Dependance from script.video.F4mProxy, Hooray!
[Изображение: notrobosmall.jpg]

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